The procedure for SS2024 has started 2024-02-22.

Instructions: How to get a topic for my P1 or P2 Project?

If you are looking for a P1 or P2 project topic, please register for the group of the corresponding  P1 or P2 course (make sure you chose our group #1 of 053021 LP Praktikum Informatik 1 or chose our group #1 of 053031 LP Praktikum Informatik 2 ).

Please look up the list of dedicated topics offered in Section (A) in the current semester. All those listed topics are available for P1 or P2 projects unless there is a corresponding restriction stated in the topic description. Of course, the topic will be limited / adapted in effort and scientific claims to meet the requirements of a P1 or P2 project, respectively.

Please check the topics listed and choose several ones you are interested in and willing to work on. Then, self-enroll on the Moodle Page, login and then enter your choice of 2-3 topics ranked by your priority in MoodleYour ranked list of chosen topics will then be considered when deciding on the initial topic assignments to students - which then will be discussed in more detail with you.


OPTIONAL: To foster your interest in some topic, you may tell us about your specific skills for the topic, so we get a better picture of the students' skill levels, and we may be able to optimize the topic assignments based on your skills. If you need to clarify some details on a topic, send an email with the subject "[P1 topic] ..." or "[P2 topic] ..." as soon as possible to the topic's advisor:

  • WKx… Wolfgang Klas:
  • PKx… Peter Kalchgruber:
  • GQx… Gerald Quirchmayr:
  • CLx... Christian Luidold: